Atheism Bingo
Only through Jesus Resurrection The Big Bang Efficacy
of prayer
You know
in your heart
____ was an atheist Free will Pascal's wager Prime mover The ignorant going to Hell
The Inquisition Miracles Darwin Pray for you Hitler
The problem
of evil
How can
you say...?
Emotional crutch Who would die
for a lie?
A stone
He can't lift
Evidence in scripture Deceived
by Satan
Prophecy Bible contradictions Willful ignorance

Atheism Bingo Rules

  1. Print out this bingo card. If there are multiple players, print out additional pages from (refresh the page to generate new cards).
  2. Wander around until you come upon a Christian and an atheist debating about atheism.
  3. Whenever one of the terms or topics listed on the board is discussed by either side of the debate, mark it off.
  4. If you are able to mark off five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (or, for advanced players, all the squares) you win!
  5. Take your winning card to the nearest participating philosophy bookstore, house of worship, street preacher, or skeptic's club meeting to claim your prize!

(Printable card)

For a change of pace, you can also try Evolution Bingo

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